Celebrating Easter at home

Celebrating Easter at home


Don’t Let social distancing & the lock down ruin Easter this Year—Ideas to help you Still Celebrate at home with family

As we plan to celebrate Easter this Sunday, let’s just have it at the back of our minds that it’s still Easter with just a few twists… you’re going to be celebrating it with others online but more importantly you will be celebrating it with family indoors.

Reach out to everyone: Extended family members including in-laws (no pun intended), colleagues at work, friends in church, neighbourhood and in the diaspora. There’s quite a number of social media platforms to exchange pleasantries. Also try not extend physical invitations to others, might not be easy when you hear the voices of people you love and cherish and they happen to live close by. You reaching out might just be that one thing that makes a person’s day!

Organise family Easter games: This will be an Easter celebration like no other. While people are focusing on the doom and gloom, this is an opportunity to bond with family. From a home themed Easter egg hunt to puzzles and quizzes. You can have a look at some Easter themed games we developed here for the family. click link to play: https://cutt.ly/play2win.

You can also organize an Easter contest such as egg painting competition, Easter paper making wreaths and Easter bunny flower pot design. Reward winners and the other participants as well. Don’t forget it’s Easter and everyone is entitled to treats/prizes.

FOOD: What’s for Brunch? If you typically go out for Easter brunch or dinner—or head to Grandma’s for her Easter specialties, you may want to think of an alternative. Plan to cook at home or order food. Whichever you chose, ensure this will not be the regular. It has to be a memorable one. See list of shops you can order from (insert link of trading tenants and their numbers). If home cooking is the option, then you have just a few hours to get to the supermarket and shop all you would require to prepare that special Easter brunch; and if you’ve got enough groceries at home, make do with what you have.


There are a number of items you will need to pull off this Easter celebration at home.  You will require amongst others, Easter themed chocolates, eggs, toys, baskets (you should be able to get one at home), stickers for clues, Easter décor and lights. Do whatever you can afford but make sure we have a wonderful time with family.


There’s a tendency to overcook or overdo things. We advise you don’t go overboard and adjust according to your peculiar situation. You want your groceries to last as long as possible.

We hope to see you all soon once this lockdown is over.

Happy Easter celebrations!!!

#circlemall #comein



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